Welcome to our district! We’re happy to have you here and look forward to meeting you. Whether you’re new to the area, a returning student, or have a child ready for kindergarten, everyone needs to complete the registration process.
Registration Requirements
Parents and guardians may complete the registration process at the campus the student will be attending or when attending a registration event at the campuses before the start of a new school year. We will post registration events on our district Calendar. Children who will be five years old on or before September 1 are eligible to register for the current school year.
Parents/Guardians must present a photo ID at the time of registration. Guardians must also bring guardianship paperwork. New students to the district must bring:
Proof of Snap Benefits (if applicable)
Copy of Student's Records: Records from school the student most recently attended (if applicable)
Proof of Eligibility for Pre-K (proof of income, last three pay check stubs)
Foster Care: Guardian must provide the foster care verification letter from Texas DFPS
Birth Certificate: Must be a state-issued certified copy. Hospital birth certificates are not legal, state-certified birth certificates.
- If your child was born in Texas, you can obtain a certified copy of your child’s birth certificate from the Nueces County Clerk’s office located at 901 Leopard, Rm. 201, Corpus Christi, Texas. Parents can also request a copy online at under the Vital Statistics link.
- For information on how to obtain an out-of-state certified copy of your child’s birth certificate, call the clerk’s office at (361) 888-0580.
Social Security Card: Must be the child’s card.
Current Immunization Records: Record of all immunizations and/or boosters. Documentation must have the physician’s signature or clinic stamp with the month, day, and year for each shot.
Residency Verification: When you enroll your child, you must provide your Texas Driver’s License or Texas ID (which lists your current address) and at least one of the following documents to prove you live within the West Oso ISD boundaries:
- Utility bill
- Mortgage/Lease agreement (listing all occupants)
- Water bill
If your family is residing with another resident, you must complete a Residency Form at the campus. Both the parent/guardian, and the resident will need to make an appointment with the campus secretary. The resident will need to provide proof of residency.